Midshipman dies on holiday leave, AACPS budget input, Lighthouse naming contest...
First baby of 2024, new school names, Navy basketball...
Coyotes on the Lighthouse, who's running for the board of education, hot sports debate...
New Mexican restaurant, sewage spill, bay bridge closures…
MOM's Organic Market, Navy hires Dave Cottle, Happy New Year...
Bird's bankrupt, sculpture feedback period extended, AACPS' modest budget increase...
Final Midnight Madness, 6 months of Oscar's Coffee, Navy lax OC goes to UMD...
Holly Beach Farm, affordable housing bill, Marley Station Mall trains...
100 Lots Kitchen now open, Christmas Eve services, Military Bowl musician announced...
BGE bills increasing, Annapolis' first board game cafe, Grant Chesnut out after first season...
Santa Speedo Run, What's Parijita Bastola up to now...
Holly Jolly Hideaway closing, Santa Speedo Run, Midnight Madness round 2...